Swakopmund Lions Club (27716)
We hope the information about our projects illustrates the worthwhile work of the Swakopmund Lions Club. Help is always welcome. The more funds available the more we can do for the community. Please support the Lions.
None of these funds will be used for any other purpose than the cause it's donated for, as all club expenses are covered by membership fees and member´s private contributions.
Your donation, in whatever form, are most welcome and highly appreciated!
Banking details:
The Lions Club Swakopmund Activity Fund | Account No. 8003402183 | Bank Windhoek | Sort code: 481-772
Should you wish to join the Lions Club Swakopmund and help make a difference in your community, please contact:
President: Jonathan Wilsnach
Tel: +264 81 597 7660
Email: president@lionsclubswakopmund.com
​​​Secretary: Marè Steenekamp
Tel: +264 81 149 2307
Email: secretary@lionsclubswakopmund.com