Swakopmund Lions Club (27716)
Fundraising, bequest, donations and selling Retirement Village property makes it possible to finance our projects without state assistance.
Regular fundraising activities:
The fundraiser with the highest income is the bar service at the annual Swakopmund Carnival (Küska). Every year in June Swakopmund Lions serve drinks from behind their own bar and serve food and drinks in the hall for no less than 5 nights. Having proved to be a reliable partner for the Swakopmunder Karnevalsverein the Lions were asked to take over the catering service as well.
Another major fundraiser are the Lions lunches. About 3 times a year Lion Ladies cook a meal for the public to be served in the dining hall of the Lions Old-Age Home.
Other fundraisers to name only a few from the past are:
A community shop selling second hand clothes, catering at private weddings; bar service at church functions and anniversaries of various institutions; renting out the Lions Den for company conferences and small events, organizing flea markets; renting our premises for private functions and bratwurst sales.